Sunday, March 27, 2011

CHAHAR MAQALA by Nizami Uruzi

    The original name of the book written by Nizami Uruzi as recorded by the different biographers, is Majmaun Nawadir but it is commonly known as Chahar Maqala. It consists of an introduction and for discourses. (1) Art of Secretary ship (Administration) (2) Art of Poetry. (3) Art of Astrology and (4) Medicine. Each topic has been illustrated with numerous anecdotes.
The chahar Maqala is one of the most authentic, valuable and oldest source of information on the reigns of the various princes of different dynasties and on biographies of eminent writers and poets of different ages. It throws a flood of light on the happenings and occurrence of the period it deals with. The accounts furnished by Niami are authentic and reliable because he took extensive four of the country, visited places, studied facts and collected information from the persons who were eye witness to these events.
    The historical vale of the Chahar Maqala lies in the fact that it has preserved the names of such poets, scholars and books which have now gone into oblivision. The second discourse dealing both poetry and art of versification is a mine of information regarding the poets of the Samanid, Ghaznavid and Ghurid dynasties. The life and achievements of Rudaki, Farrukhi, Arzaqi and Saad Salman has been dealt with great sagacity and cautiously. Besides we get much information about the Sultans, nobles, ministers and contemporary men of affluence and their love for art and culture. Thus from critical stand poit of view, the book is very informative and comprehensive. Moreover, the author has very vividly discussed many important and useful problems in connection both secretary ship and astrology. There is also good and clear information about the internal and external senses of man. The anecdotes of Abu Ali Sina, Al-Beruni and Imam Zakaria Razi draw our special attention because these are found no where.
    So far the literary value of the book is concerned, there is no doubt that this masterpiece work stands unparalleled. It is a fine specimen of classical prose work produced in the 10th century A.D. Md. Taqi Bahar, the modern poet and critics is of the opinion that 'Chahar Maqala' is one of the four masterpieces of early Persian prose. The author, a learned man of his time, has shown his literary talent and pen man ship in the approach of delicate matters. The work is singular and unique and a fine specimen of easy fluency, exact conciseness and conversational tone. A reader does not come across with any exaggerated sentence and all the other rhetorical devices prevalent in those days.
So far the language and style of the book is concerned it is it is very charming, lucid, elegant and powerful. Its well-chosen words and high dictions show that the author had a wonderful command of language.
    Prof. E.G. Browne, the great critic and orient list writes that Chahar Maqala is 'one of the most interesting and remarkable prose work in Persian". In short this masterpiece production both critically and historically stands unchangeable and surpasses all other such compositions in the realm of Persian literature.

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