Sunday, March 27, 2011


    Fawaid-ul-Fuad is a collection of sayings of the holy saints Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya recorded by Amir Hasan Sijzi in a day basis. The title means "things profitable to the heart'. This is a recording of the conversation author's spiritual guide, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. They deal with various questions concerning religion and mysticism and are interwoven with maxims. It also contains anecdotes of earlier saints and spiritual guides which have been used by Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya to elaborate upon various religious and mystical points. The work became very popular of the time of its composition and it continued to hold the same prestigious position even later on Hasan's style is marked by simplicity and naturalness of language.
    Fuwaid-ul-fuwaid was written in the 18th century A.H. by Amir Hasan Ala Sijzi. He was a devoted disciple of the saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and used to pay his respect whomever he got time from his official duties at the army and visited Delhi with the saints permission, he recorded his sayings. The collection is not in a strict chronological order and is spread over a period of six years. Fuwaid-ul-Fuad holds a distinguished position among all the Malfuz literature compiled from time. It was held in such high esteem by Amir Khusraw that he wished to exchange all his works against Fuwaid-ul-Fuwad.
    The name Fuwaid-ul-Fuwad was adopted by the author as according to him " it rendered a healing touch to the broken hearts'. He composed the following Rubai depicting the date of the composition.
Translation of his verse:  It was on 20th Sha'aban in the year 720 that the sayings of the Khawaja compiled the saying which brings good tidings to the humanity.
    Fuwaid-ul-Fuwad is divided into four sections. Almost all the later Tazkira writers have based their accounts this book.
    Fuwaid presents a mirror which reflects social and cultural picture of the time beside unfolding mystical truth and Sufi doctrine. It also reflects the great personalities of the saints, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya his relationship with the disciple named the life at the Khawanqah. It also provides a glimpse of the life of the nobles and Amirs, saints and their devotes alike.
    It is written in very simple and elegant style. The greatest quality of the work is that it has been appreciated by all historians and Tazkira writers and has been considered authentic by all.